However, I would strongly recommend that if you do not know Chinese that you go to the station with a fluent guide, a Chinese friend or have someone who speaks Chinese fluently on standby on the phone just in case.
When I arrived at the train station, I was very very lost. Though some English was present to help me find my way around, it wasn't of too much use for finding the right platform. I navigated the Beijing station by looking at the LED signs, eventually I found one that indicated that it was the right place to be for my train. The trouble was, down the correct hallway, there were about 10 different entrances for different trains. After trying to get help unsuccessfully, I called up my friend Michael on the phone. I flagged down an attendant, passed her the phone and Michael worked his magic. Like a charm, the attendant led me right where I needed to go.
The wait was not too long and soon a large crowd gathered in front of the entrance to the train platform. I too join the crowd. Soon, an attendant stamped by ticket and I was walking down to the platform trying to find my car and seat. This was an easy task as the ticket clearly marked the car and the seat. I made my way to the right place and sat in the large and luxurious cabin. This was the non-business class and it was spacious, immaculately clean and brand new. The train I was on looked much like the one above. Judging by the speed it reached on the trip, I would say it was not a bullet train but it was very close! It took me a 3 hour drive from TEDA to Beijing but the train took under and hour to get me to Tianjin.
A nice surprise was in store for me after the train ride. There was a young lady next to me who I did not talk to on the ride over. However, I brought out a piece of paper I planned to hand to the taxi driver informing him to take me to the light rail station between Tianjin and TEDA. As I left the train station and started walking, the young lady who was sitting next to me came up and told me that she saw my piece of paper. It turns out that she wanted to go to the light-rail station too. This was a huge help for me as gave the taxi driver instructions and generously paid for it as well (despite my insistence that I should pay). We took the light rail back to TEDA together and she disembarked one station before me. Experiences like this are not rare. Since I have been here, people have been extremely nice to me! Because of the generous spirit of people around, I always feel so welcome here.
Photo credit: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200701/29/eng20070129_345704.html
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