Conversely, from my experiences I realize that the pollution (At least in my area) is not as bad as the media tries to depict in its smear attempts against China. As seen in the picture to the left, China too can enjoy the beauty of blue skies. The photos was taken at the large monument right outside of my hotel. This blue sky persisted for about 5 days. Other than that, China is a bit cloudy but this is not only because of pollution. In China, clouds and water vapour exists too (The BBC will be shocked to discover this!) which is also grey and can be mistaken for pollution.
Specifically, on the note of pollution, China is definitely trying to make a difference. New, present news and research articles are starting to emerge which describe Chinese municipalities instituteenvironmental measures so strict that whole coal power plants have to be shut down. Also, some very environmentally concerned industries are packing up to go an pollute Vietnam. These role model industries are just so concerned with environmental quality that they are moving to places with even lower pollution standards than the new China so they can continue with their profit and pollution making ways.
Now, I'm not saying that China doesn't have pollution problems, of course it does. But, so does Canada in industrial areas the United States and Europe as well. Maybe if these places had populations as large as China the pollution would be at the same level or even worse. Just remember, if you're trying to compare pollution between China and other developed nations, it is not a fair comparison due to historical, demographic and sheer population factors. Just try and get the inside story, China is a lot better than seen from the outside. Not only that, but China is moving forward thanks to the Olympics and government efforts. Auto, Industry and other emmission standards are improving to gradually bring China forward into a new era.
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